Our sponsors

Logger LABQUEST and the sensorss
The base of the company Vernier is from the USA that is collaborating with us, has donated two Labquest loggers, which are the mechanical heart of our probe. We disassembled them, like we have done with other sensors.

The tracking system
The company Blackbloks will help us equip with a tacking system, which will determine the probe's position and send the information to us in real time. We'll adapt the system that we'll be able to follow the temperature inside the probe.

Manufacture of parts for the hot wire lathe lathe for the styrophoam
The lathe for styrophoam with a hot wire is helping us with the shape making of the probe. We use it to make different sperical forms and find the most suitable for us.

TPJ – Tehnični plin Jesenice
Hellium balloon
The company TPJ is helping us with the donation of a hellium gas, with which we'll fill up the meteorological balloon.

Weather balloons
The Company Optomotive has given us a few weather balloons, that they no longer need. We're even more grateful for interceding us the knowledge they've gained with a similar project.

VIA d.o.o.
Nutrient mediums for microorganisms
CTha complany VIA d.o.o. has contributed a special nutrient medium for yeast and extremophiles (Crypotocuccs), which we'll send in to space and test their ability to survive in the conditions they will be exposed to.

KIMFLY d.o.o.
The complany KIMPLY d.o.o. has made a parachute, that wil ensure the probe's safe return to the Earth. It's made out of quality, light material. It's construction ensures immediate opening right after the balloon bursts.

The testing of the probe
BTC d.d. has enabled the testing of the probe in realistic condition during the fall. We threw the fully equipped probe from the top of the Crystal Palace. We repeated the same thing several times and additionally adjusted and improved the probe.

high defeintion cameras

The company Enaintrideset d.o.o. made it possible to get a good deal on two cameras GoPro HD Hero 2, with a high definition of recording. WE'll record the entire journey of the probe and present it to you afterwards.

Help with planning the launch
The Agency of Republic Slovenia for enviorment is helping us with acquiring up-to-date meteorological information, wind models and handling those. On the day of the launch they'll give us the accurate calculation of the location where the probe will land.

MAKOMA d.o.o.
Off-road vehicle
The company Makoma will make sure that the search for the probe will be safe and fast. They have given us an off-road vehicle with a four-wheel drive BMW X-1 with which we'll manage to find the probe even if it lands on a harder-to-reach location.

Company Kladnik d.o.o also helped us with project.