The crew
Around 40 students were involved in this years' project. After they were divided into groups, each group had to prepare one or several parts of the probe. Groups had to communicate with each other for the students to reach their goal - to make a functional probe. There was a mentor assigned to each group, whose role was to help the students organize, offer advice and to make sure the groups communicated with each other.
Below are the pictures of students and the mentors of each group.
Cutting a probe
Mentor: Rok Capuder(project manager)

Summary of task: Building of a probe that will safly carry all the sensors and parachute to 35 KM Connecting of all mesuring devices and designing a sistem for data collection. Preparing the cameras and tracking sistem.

First line: Danaj Hočevar, Filip Dolenc, Kostja Planinc, Rot Ambrož, Nuša Prebil, Tilen Kreft, Petra Maršič, Katja Brezovar, Roza Jaki.
Second line: Matej Arko, Peter Hladnik, Tim Rozman, Matej Jakša, Žiga Brenčič, missing: Matic Mlakar
Mentor: Rok Capuder
Light sensor modification
Mentor: Vida Kariž Merhar

Summary of task: researching influence of the hight on UVA, UVB radiation and brightnes. Customization of equipment and protection against external influences . Data processing and interpretation.

On photo: Eva Rajh, Aljaž Škrjanc, Aleksander Učakar, Ava Rajh
Measurement of CO2 and O2 concentration
Mentor: Alenka Mozer

Summary of task: researching influence of the hight on concentarion of CO2 and O2. Customization of equipment and protection against external influences .Creation of preasure chamber for easyer data collection. Data processing and interpaetation.

On photo: Blaž Uranič, Jan Golob, Jan Perme, Luka Avbreht, Luka Prebil Grintal, Andraž Kladnik
Measurement of air preasure and temperature
Mentor: Timotej Maroševič

Summary of task: researching influence of the hight on temperature and preasure. Customization of equipment and protection against external influences . Data processing and interpaetation.

On photo: Filip Koprivec, Urban Merhar, Ivan Kolundžija, Filip Peter Lebar
Measurement of the effect of extreme conditions on live organisms
Mentor: Sonja Artač

Summary of task: researching influence of temperature, preasure, increased values of UVA, UVB on development of live organisms. Preparation of samples for the probe. Data processing and interpaetation.

On photo: Eva Rajh, Aljaž Škrjanc, Aleksander Učakar, Ava Rajh